2009年10月14日 星期三

Welcome to AFA and model maker

Above: shooting in progress of the AFA catalog. My personal favorite would have to be that die-cast metal fire extinguisher which is also a practical lighter and LED torch.

I know, I know. Having a name like "actionfigure.asia" (AFA) in mind, it can be a bit disappointing when you have arrived here just to see another blog. The thing is, we are still working on a lot of details of the web site, and there is no reason to stop us from meeting with actionfigure enthusiasts all around the world. This is why we are now seeing you through this blog for the time being. So what's the deal with this model maker thing? Model maker is like a workshop of AFA, where we create, modify, and trade some of the action figure stuff we own. We will continue to post stuff that we are working on, like head sculpts and costumes, and also we will post items we retail. So you can view this model maker blog as a workshop and a tiny shop of AFA. We do need money to properly run AFA and to survive, and doing sales is one of the way we can think of at this moment. Sponsorhsip and advertising is a bit too early because right now we are just a tiny tinnie nobody in the action figure world. We hope to get bigger and better in the future.

We are currently working on a catalog for the auction page on yahoo.com.hk, will share more info very soon.

Enquiries: modelmaker@rocketmail.com

